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How Pokemon Go is helping me with depression and social anxiety
When the game launched I didn't expect much of it. I started playing it a bit and got addicted really fast.
Where normally I would stay inside for days, not getting exercise, just staring at my computer screen and a worsening depression, I decided to step my game up.
The first day I walked over 20 km. It was hell for me since it's been ages that I've actually used my body for anything else than sitting on my chair.
But it felt good. I kept up the pace and walked another 15 km the second day. I noticed that
it was already getting easier for me to walk without much pain.
The third day went very smooth, walked for 12 km with no pain, no effort.
Now, the fourth day I've already walked 7 km and it's 1:50 PM at this moment. I will go up to 15 again today.
In these three days, I've met over 25 complete strangers that wanted to meet up and just talk and play together. This was actually one of the better experiences in my life. There was no feeling of anxiety, everyone was so friendly. I keep meeting more and more people on the way and have small talks with them.
The game has made me go outside again, overcome my anxiety and live a little better. I plan to keeping this up and feel comfortable with my body again.
Just wanted to share this shot of a group of strangers that came when I activated the lure module. We all had a blast. And some weed of course.
Thanks for reading, you don't have to upvote or anything, I'm just glad that it works for me.
Zalmoxis написа...[/ШГ]
"Мисля, че видът на изпотени мъже им въздействаше." - дан Глокта
pnp5q написа Виж мнениеМда. Форумът за военна история не я отразява, докато тя се случва... Например защото дефиницията за модератор е ненужно разширена със задължения експертно да съдийства на страните в спора... Пуснете "Модерна епоха"[ШГ], освен ако не сте знаели какво се готви и не сте я спрели специално.[/ШГ]
Zalmoxis написа Виж мнениеа не защото пропагандират някаква позиция, която поддържам.
"Мисля, че видът на изпотени мъже им въздействаше." - дан Глокта
pnp5q написа Виж мнение[ATTACH=CONFIG]30861[/ATTACH]