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    Любимите ви танкови цитати

    Във форума на axishistory.com попаднах на интересна тема "Your favourite Panzer quotes" и ще си позволя да попреведа разни работи от нея.

    "Мисля че ще е интересно да направим такава тема с цитати свързани с Panzer-а"

    Когато минавали покрай останките от полски артилерийски полк Хитлер попитал Гудериан: "Нашите пикиращи бомбардировачи ли направиха това?" "Не, нашите танкове" - отвърнал Гудериан.


    "Ако танковете пробият (успеят) - победата следва." Хайнц Гудериан.


    Ние ще бъдем победители - благодарение на нашия "Тигър".


    "Klotzen, nicht Kleckern !". (Boot'em, donґt spatter'em) - Guderian's favourite quotation and Adolf Hitler was so impressed by it, that he used it himself often.
    "Es gibt keine verzweifelten Lagen, es gibt nur verzweifelte Menschen". (There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people).
    "Fahrkarte bis zur Endstation". (Ticket to the last station) - Shouting to his Panzertroops when they were roaring past him, meaning that they should go as far as they could.
    "Man schlдgt jemanden mit der Faust und nicht mit gespreizten Fingern". (You hit somebody with your fist and not with your fingers spread) - Meaning that you should concentrate your Panzers for one mighty push in one direction and not distribute them.
    "Der Motor des Panzers ist ebenso seine Waffe wie die Kanone". (The engine of the Panzer is a weapon just as the main-gun).
    "Der Kampf gegen die eigenen Oberen macht manchmal mehr Arbeit als gegen die Franzosen". (It is sometimes tougher to fight my superiors than the French) - When he got orders to stop and wait for the following infantry and tried to persuade his superiors that this would mean to throw away victory

    Хайде да не бъдат само танкови:

    When I said that British fighter-bombers had shot up my tanks with 40mm shells, the Reichsmarschall who felt himself touched by this, said: 'That's completely impossible. The Americans only know how to make razor blades.' I replied: 'We could do with some of those razor blades, Herr Reichsmarshall.'

    -Field Marshall Erwin Rommel

    "The best tank terrain is that without anti-tank weapons."
    -Russian military doctrine.

    No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."- General George Patton Jr

    "The Americans will always do the right thing... After they've exhausted all the alternatives."
    - Winston Churchill

    ........and if Hitler invaded Hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the Devil (at the House of Commons)

    "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!"

    Chaplain of one of the battleships during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

    "Future generations will curse you in your tomb for what you have done"

    Ludendorff to Hindenburg after Hitler were named Chancellor.

    In response to Goering's icy query of "Is there anything you need?", Hauptmann Helmut Wick of the Luftwaffe had remarked,"A squadron of Spitfires, Herr Reichsmarschall!" That comment has been immortalised in the film The Battle of Britain.

    Hitler to Leon Degrelle,"If I had a son I would want him to be you."

    "One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization. " Field-Marshal Erwin Rommel. Coming from a soldier, that statement is too true.
    I'm not sure if immediate postwar ones are OK, but here's one:
    "A thousand years will pass and the guilt of Germany will still not be erased" Hans Frank, Nürnberg. (Sadly, this is becoming scarinly apparent.

    Winston. C: " So I am! And you my dear are ugly!" (slight pause) "But in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly!"

    My trust in our leadership has rapidly sunk below zero."

    Luftwaffe General von Richthofen to Luftwaffe Chief-of-Staff Jeschonnek 12 Dec 42 during the attempt to supply 6th Army by air at Stalingrad.
    Къмон иу мадърфакърс ал кил иу ол
    Макс Лес Реновски

